Articles, interviews and news from the industry

Discover how digitalisation and 3D digital twins can help you scale in a dynamic and challenging environment, get inspired by top professionals and stay up to date with news from the real estate industry!

Articles Aug 15, 2024

3D Digital Replicas for Real Estate

Whether you are renting or buying a home or a property, your experience will be digital. We live in an environment where everything we do is more and more tech-led. We have smartphones in our hands 24/7. We use digital solutions for everything that we do, including...

Articles Aug 13, 2024

What is 3D Planning?

3D design has the power to transform office spaces and properties into reality. It carries the means to do so, and it can create a better experience for clients. Even more so, when it comes to delivering the right 3D design to your clients, one of the things that...


Useful resources to support your growth
The Future of Real Estate Marketing with 3D Digital Twins

The Future of Real Estate Marketing with 3D Digital Twins

You live in an era where technology can be found anywhere. You have smartphones, smart cars, and even smart homes. So, as technology is getting closer and closer to us you need to keep in mind that with technology you can also encounter some great advantages. One of...

Personalizing Leasing Experiences with 3D Digital Twins

Personalizing Leasing Experiences with 3D Digital Twins

Millennials are the new generation interested in the real estate properties. At the same time, they’re also the generation that is used to having everything discoverable online – whether it’s to buy a house or rent a commercial space. So, how can you make sure that...

Using 3D Digital Twins to Create Virtual Office Experiences

Using 3D Digital Twins to Create Virtual Office Experiences

As technology is becoming the main charter in this society, looking for solutions to make life easier comes without saying. According to a study made by the PTC, integrating solutions such as digital twins can lead to a 30% increase in employee collaboration. Even...

Making Office Refurbishment Smarter with 3D Digital Twins

Making Office Refurbishment Smarter with 3D Digital Twins

If you're considering an office refurbishment, consider exploring how 3D digital twin technology can revolutionize your project. This technology isn't just a buzzword; it's a powerful tool that can take your planning, design, and execution to the next level. Here's...


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